Corruption Corrupted. Easily corrupted. Humanity.
Theosophical. Ripples of oneness. Creation’s ripples
Digital aether. Created, man made. Zeros
Oblivious. Passing through. Experiencing what the
Receiver. Where’s existence? Self. Where’s
Crazy time. Scrambled minds. Puréed, minced.
Barren land! Alone in a desolate place.
Bubbles from bubbles. Budding off, one
Experience. Cascading. Building. Transforming. Experiences.
Eureka. Flash of light. Spark of inspiration.
Global think. Rapidly. Injected hearts and
Civilization. History. Power. Fabric of the
Solitude. Quiet reflection. Plumbing soul,
Simple mind. Scanning back. Looking forward.
Battlefield. Gray matter battlefield. Undulating