Shadow. Inner. Hiding within. That
Convergence. Technology disruption. Forthcoming. Blending
Gene pool. Self evident. Leaders. Tyrants. Followers.
Void. In the void. Humanity sprung.
Amalgamation. You. Parallels. Gossamer sheets
Science and Religion. Humanity’s search engines.
Adjustments. Evolutionarily adjustments. Societal adjustments.
Infusion. Pure thought. Seeping up.
Overt. Overt power. Overwhelming. Over arching. Vice grip
Byproduct. Creation’s endgame. Machinery churning.
Processing. Input. Data, information consumption.
Self centered. Self impressed. Humanity.
Global think. Rapidly. Injected hearts and
Known. What is known? What can be
Brethren. Reaching. Reaching out. A.I. arrival.