Mist. Fog. Quantum fog. Stuff of
Despotism. Power. Power to control. Tell others
Battlefields. Eons past to modernity. Clubs
Possible. What’s possible? Does anyone
Power. Weakness. Seductive force. Seductive
Vortices. Life. Existence. Energy vortex.
Song. Vibrations. Celestial sounds. Echoing
When they arrive. What will we see?
Outside the box. Awoke in a dewdrop.
Beliefs. Human beliefs. Restrained. Developed
Broken pieces. Slog. Life can be a slog.
Spirit. Force. Good. Evil. Ripples
Chapters. Nature of things. System. Boundless,
Imprints. Indelible imprints. Every soul notches a
Wool. Manipulation. Powers that be. Eyes