Moon. Earth moon. Binary system.
Instantly. All at once. Collective. Variations.
Mind. A malleable thing. Easily molded, manipulated,
God no God! Battle rages. Some say yes. Some say
Designed we’ve been. Emerged from the goo.
Sparks. Firefly like. Popping in and
Passing through. One stop along the way.
Eye. Creation. So much more than
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Gauntlet. From birth to death. The gauntlet
Blended. Segmented. Cleaved, one from the other.
Grand scheme. Grand truth. Grand wisdom. What’s known? Broad
Emergence. Strange brew. Spinning. Mixing. Heating.
Aspirants. Baseline. Animals. Animals at heart.
Time. Indifferent. Irrelevant. Cares not. Uninvolved