Convulsion. Change. Fits and starts. Global.
Overt. Overt power. Overwhelming. Over arching. Vice grip
Narrow. Living in a narrow row.
A.I. wars. Gathering. Welling up cloud warriors. Circling
Dragon. Wings high above. Slashing
Whole Cloth. Its all been spun. Spun from whole cloth.
Hive. Hive mind. Group think.
Rinse and repeat. Humanity stratified. From the
Flows. Equilibrium. Energy. Negative. Positive.
The council. As they come online, they’ll
Immersion. Wrapped up. Enfolded. Surrounds. Spirit
Wheel. Spinning wheel. Gyrations through.
Antidote. Step away. Leave behind. Avoid the din
Observation. Perception. Mental state based. Reality,
Coming to be. Befuddling. Matter coming