Magic. Non physical. Consciousness. Magically, thoughts
Clean Slate. Thinning. Thinning the weeds. Ancient
Appears. How it all appears. Normal.
Children. Children of the void. Overlooked.
Melding. It’s begun. Psychological dependency. Addictive.
Fields of energy sheet like. Wafting
Sailing to the end and back. What
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Inner world. Where everything resides. Illusion
Meaning. Ridiculous. Sense of the ridiculous.
War, a terrible thing. Nagasaki. Hiroshima.
Parallel trees. Those who never were. Generations, family
Bumblebee. Designed to do what bees do.
Monsters. Creating monsters. Incrementally. Little by
Mindscape. Mental state. Mental objects.