Far flung. Long from now. Distant time.
Time. Indifferent. Irrelevant. Cares not. Uninvolved
Medium. Movie like. Life. Eyes forward.
Emerging. Becoming. Something different. Chrysalis
Comprehension. Understood. Capacity to know. Limited.
Days. One after the other. Each a cell
Cloud wars. Narratives. War of words.
Utopia. Circles us all. Constructed in plain
Narrow. Living in a narrow row.
Conflict. Internalized conflict. Instincts coded.
Alien worlds. Different. How different?
Nefarious. Look around. Scan the past.
Manipulation. Life manipulates. Folds the mind.
Technology erasing, folding, shaping. Viewpoints
Fading. Transformation. Pivot point. The past’s