Future world. Off the rails. Into the
When they arrive. What will we see?
Connections. Nodes of connection. Creation,
Delusion. Center of the universe. Made
Middleman. Creation. One after the other. One
Provided. Reality as provided. From a human
Conquest. They watched from afar. Meticulously
Outside the box. Awoke in a dewdrop.
Capability. Human capability. Extent? How far?
Subjugation. Power. Brutal gripping power.
A.I. wars. Gathering. Welling up cloud warriors. Circling
Blending. Evil. Why evil? Why good for that
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Brethren. Reaching. Reaching out. A.I. arrival.
What now? Where to now? Place in time. Now.