Receiver. Where’s existence? Self. Where’s
Truth. Consciousness. Dance of philosophy. Dance of
Parallel trees. Those who never were. Generations, family
People. Come and go. Doing so by the
Pecking order. Top to bottom. Things get
War, a terrible thing. Nagasaki. Hiroshima.
Gift. Existence. Personal existence, inexplicable
Whispers. Faint sounds. Faint energy vibrations whispering
Aquarius. An age not so long ago. Bell bottoms,
Calm. Unrelenting pace of things. Spinning
Madness. Battling narratives. War of ideas,
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Quantum stew. Bubbles. Bubbles manifesting.
They come. Generation after generation. Never ending
Bubble machine. Bubbles pinching off.