Escape. None. There is no escape.
A.I. wars. Gathering. Welling up cloud warriors. Circling
Mind worm. Narrative. Injected. Burrowing into
Woods. Back to the woods. Walk
Overt. Overt power. Overwhelming. Over arching. Vice grip
Unhinged. Humanity has become unhinged. Nonstop
Flash. Moment. Merely a moment. Firefly
Granite. Pounded. Chiseled. Formed. Daily
Master’s will. Penetrating. Molding. Shaping each will.
Little magpies. Dutifully repeat. Repeat
Nevermore. Behind. Turn around. Look
Uneasy passage. Sails unfurled. Gentle breeze.
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
The gods. Created, worshiped from day one.
Succession. Lines of succession. Battle cries from