Wandering. Time immemorial. Realm to realm.
Flash. Moment. Merely a moment. Firefly
Invasion. Connectivity. Bits. Bytes. Qubits.
Grand scheme. Grand truth. Grand wisdom. What’s known? Broad
Overt. Overt power. Overwhelming. Over arching. Vice grip
Angel breath. Cosmic breeze. Subtle.
Misty. Quantum mist. Realm of uncertainty.
Corruption Corrupted. Easily corrupted. Humanity.
The station. Experience begins. Enter the soul.
Designed we’ve been. Emerged from the goo.
End Game. Process. Mechanism of creation. Evolution.
Soul wars. Deluged. Overwhelmed. Swamped. Mind
Metamorphosis. Shape shifting. Accelerating change.
Dark passage. From there to here to there. Spitfire
Unrecognizable. What’s coming. Unlike anything