Input. Need input. Fast and furious ones
Size. How big? How dense? What can be known?
Falling. Curious. Everyone sees. Circling
Ghosts. Creation’s ghosts. Universal spirit.
Arriving Not from without but from within.
Soon. Soon new ideas populate. Moving
Bridge. In between. Current. Once was. Next to
New god. Replaces. New focus. Man made. One god
Corruption Corrupted. Easily corrupted. Humanity.
Melding. It’s begun. Psychological dependency. Addictive.
Wheel. Spinning wheel. Gyrations through.
Collision. Future. Whip snap change.
Divide. Technological divide. Generations split.
Blended. Segmented. Cleaved, one from the other.
Flash. Moment. Merely a moment. Firefly