Antidote. Step away. Leave behind. Avoid the din
Scripted, written in the beyond. Penned
Fabric. Spacetime. Fabric of creation. Unifying
Possible. What’s possible? Does anyone
Quantum vibrations. Information, energy transfer.
Creeping. Slow movement. Imperceptible. Not noticeable.
Marching zombies on parade. Spinning minds.
Eyes gazed, glazed. Distant stare.
Parallels. Dimensions. Creation sophisticated. More than
Energy. Knots. Matter. Bits, pieces and
Invasion. Instruction. Messages. Hidden from view.
Manifestation. Manifestation of the creator. Creation
Subtly. Coursing through clouds. Worming
Within. It’s all within. Working design.
Utopia. Circles us all. Constructed in plain