Alone. Alone in the immeasurable. What
Who are we? To dictate. Ridicule. Tear down.
Tentacles. Circling. Squeezing. Slowly at first.
Despots. History. Replete with those who’d
Deep Subtleties. Experience. Navigation. Charting
Passage. From nothing to something. Everything.
Fields. Information, fields of energy. Programmed.
Pecking order. Top to bottom. Things get
Soon. Soon new ideas populate. Moving
Mind. A malleable thing. Easily molded, manipulated,
Eureka. Flash of light. Spark of inspiration.
Simple mind. Scanning back. Looking forward.
Beating heart. Pulsing, echoing, beating heart.
Avatar. Receptacle. Holder of essence.
Middle way. Pendulum. Swings, one side to the