Techmag affect. Technology magnification. Overwhelming.
Gathering. Global gathering. One mind,
Invasion. Slow motion invasion. Unseen. Unnoticed.
Unhinged. Humanity has become unhinged. Nonstop
Grip. Mind grip. Consciousness encased. Encased
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Menticide. Global descent. Puppet masters. 1984. Chaos
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Maelstrom. Accelerating. Global change. Faster
Provenance. Observation. All around. Endlessness. Inhospitable
Angel breath. Cosmic breeze. Subtle.
Despotism. Power. Power to control. Tell others
Connections. Nodes of connection. Creation,
Time Flying by. Enveloped. Enveloped in its
Ideas. Infection. People are people. Empty