Incomplete. Five senses. Provided with.
As they come. Taking the years as they
Precipice. Over the edge. Human civilization
Forms. Infinite ideas. From nothing
Aquarius. An age not so long ago. Bell bottoms,
Clean Slate. Thinning. Thinning the weeds. Ancient
Strangeness. Look. Look around. What the hell. What’s
Brethren. Reaching. Reaching out. A.I. arrival.
Flawed creator. Humanity’s creator beyond
Energy beings. Sprites. Intelligence. Permeating
The council. As they come online, they’ll
Avatar. Receptacle. Holder of essence.
Dogma. Truth. Someone’s truth. Dogma.
Voices. All voices. Etched in time. All who’ve
Dawn till dusk. Eyes open, it begins. Winding