Quantum vibrations. Information, energy transfer.
Gauntlet. From birth to death. The gauntlet
Antidote. Technology overwhelming. Quicksand. Sucking in,
Nevermore. Behind. Turn around. Look
Barren land! Alone in a desolate place.
Time machine. Creation. Different paths,
En Gard! Reflections. All we do, looking back.
Emotionless. Future speak. Language reflecting.
Altered. Believe. What will be believed?
Toil. Toil, curse of sentience. Toil,
Sprites in the machine. Counting out infinite
As they come. Taking the years as they
Middle way. Pendulums swing. Back and forth.
Illusion of being. What appears is not. Eyes open
Formulaic. Life. Reality as designed. Everything,