I’m the one that believes, in the small of a woman’s back. I’m the one that believes, that you can speak, by turning your back. And I am the one that believes, you can cry without shedd...
It is through this window, that I… Yet it is my soul, that longs to b… A sudden burst of rain, and a soft… As my only friends, do I speak of… These words I send, but pictures…
Within my mind, I cannot stay; For not the truth, remains at bay. No cry of pain, nor fallen tear; Not even faith, will come near. This silent rage, comes of age;
I know for sure, that God set my… ...Because every day, is right on…
My siblings are Compassion. But my sight was dim and my heart was weak. I died. And was reborn. Now I live with a vengeance, and my parents reside within. My thoughts are light, yet ...
The petals of a Rose, may only la… But the memory of it’s scent, can… And that, is what makes you beauti… Forever.
This is not over, not by a mile; It is perpetuated by love, born of… An unsure step, met with an outstr… A friendship ensued, this is how i… I rescued you from the night, and…
It is to the night, that we keep s… And yet the place, that holds our… With a furtive glance, we avoid th… Though we’d have better luck, stay… You did not want, what I had to g…
I can instantly acquire, what you… A very bad idea, I will always pl… Doing the dirt, that you’re unwill… Exposing to the world, a darker si… Yet alone with myself, is when I’…
Sometimes poetry can be something other than words; (e.g. poetry in motion) Well, recently I had the privilege of encountering poetry personified. I attempted to obtain one of those fre...
Upon this journey, though it may s… My advice to you, is to finish str… Along the way, heed the winds of c… For all that is normal, can seem r… So take your chances, in a game ca…
Cries the morning, of a wretched n… Binds the living, to it’s urban pl… Feared the most, are sights unseen… Yet still we beg, for it to be a d… A waning sun, that once burned bri…
A future obscured, by uncertain ho… The present measured, by the abil… Unbridled passion, to be reined an… The delegation of responsibility,… ‘Run for your life’, the latest po…
Silent like the night, you went to… Never did you question, or ask wha… It wasn’t for the glory, or even a… But yet you were willing to serve,… How can we repay a debt, when you’…
I may have fallen like rain, but… I may be as bright as day, but I… I have bruised my ego and broken m… I have feared the dark and hidden… All I know is that I know not.