What, hast thou run thy race, art… Thou seemest angry, why dost on us… Yea, wrap thy head with clouds and… As threatening to withdraw from us… O leave us not! When once thou hi…
O Wondrous dreamer, with thy powe… How all our pilgrim-life thy dream… Our load of sin, our hopes, our do… The fearful battle with the foe ma… And Beulah’s beauteous land, wher…
What is the vine, more than anothe… Nay most, than it, more tall, more… What workman thence will take a be… To make ought which may be delight… Its excellency in its fruit doth l…
Tis much to see how over nice some… About the body and household affai… While what’s of worth they slightl… Not doing, or doing it slovenly. Their house must be well furnished…
Well, with the day I see the clou… And mix the light with darkness ev… This threatening is, to travellers… Long journeys, slabby rain they’ll… Else, while I gaze, the sun doth…
Now wouldst thou have a heart that… A heart that forward is to close w… A heart that will impressions free… Of the new covenant, and that will… The best improvement of the word o…
The hen, so soon as she an egg dot… (Spreads the fame of her doing wha… About the yard she cackling now do… To tell what ’twas she at her nest… Just thus it is with some professi…
The title page will show, if there… Who are the proper subjects of thi… They’re boys and girls of all sort… From those of age to children on t… Thus comprehensive am I in my not…
God gave us Cloaths to hide our N… And we by them, do it expose to V… Our Pride, and unclean Minds, to… By our Apparel we to others shew.
What, barren here! in this so good… The sight of this doth make God’s… From giving thee his blessing; bar… Bear fruit, or else thine end will… Art thou not planted by the water-…
Two sacraments I do believe there… Baptism and the Supper of the Lor… Both mysteries divine, which do to… By God’s appointment, benefit aff… But shall they be my God, or shal…
This watch my father did on me bes… A golden one it is, but 'twill not… Unless it be at an uncertainty: But as good none as one to tell a… When ’tis high day my hand will st…
This glass, when made, was, by the… The sum of sixty minutes to fulfil… Time, more nor less, by it will ou… But just an hour, and then the gla… Man’s life we will compare unto th…
WHEN at the first I took my pen… Thus for to write, I did not unde… That I at all should make a littl… In such a mode: nay, I had undert… To make another; which, when almos…
But all this while, where’s he who… Drives night away and beautifies o… Where’s he whose goodly face doth… And show us what the darksome nigh… Where’s he that thaws our ice, dri…