I’ve never liked the winds of chan… they bring the cold and driving ra… destroying what was calm and warm and leaving nothing but the storm. They make me have to rise and flee
It seems evil flourishes time afte… Men follow cycles of hate, greed a… mixed in with apathy, jealously, f… I’ve wondered the cause but it’s r… For the war rages on betwixt Sata…
There’s a corner of eternity where I’ve built a simple home. A place that I can go to when I want to be alone. A place where winds of
With tear filled eyes I’m left be… to walk in trance, still mystified… The rays of setting sun shine thro… as angel wings which carry you. Goodbye my heart’s eternal love,
The battle before us - “The Left and The Right”, calling to everyone, “Join in the fight!” Calling, demanding -
A tale I once heard of two men of… who’s lives were defined by the to… Each man was beholden to God for… so, when the time came that the pr… each fell to his knees and petitio…
The Gatherer and the Giver sat at… down at the village where they liv… At end of day as sun went down, th… as soul by soul they contemplated… They did this often for they knew,…
Twas an ordinary scene on an ordin… she an ordinary woman on her ordin… Doing work of little consequence,… Could she have known that someday… For as she went to fill her pot a…
They struggle to know how I feel, yet each question they ask only ma… And they search for a way to get i… Hell, the door isn’t locked, it ju… They remember the way that I was.
Now the calm of new fallen snow lies in silent peace and stillness… gently covering the loneliness of midnight city streets. As I walk, I cannot help but wond…
Once sat upon a waveless ocean, time stood still for lack of motio… No one spoke for all could see the guardians of eternity. Then water slowly turned to glass
In a world full of people so lost in the fight I’ve not met another like you, who midst all the crowd stands out in the night...
I wish I could teach the world on… then pray that they grasp it and s… Because it would change every outc… dispel all the darkness and set th… ‘Twould make everything we do unde…
You’re not what you think. Things aren’t as they seem. Lived your whole life against what you believe. I know that it’s hard not to
Seasons change as years go by, winter’s cold and summer dry. Life is hard in many ways, yet rings are formed as seasons ch… So, although not but bark we see,