Two sons of God, who equal were stood on their plots of ground
in Heaven’s splendid landscape waiting their turn to go down.
Both men had sketched a million times the mansion they had planned
to build there by their faith and works once placed on earth to stand,
and face the trials and tests that God for them had there prepared,
but once there differences evolved in for what things they cared.
For even though one kept his eyes fixed on his home above.
The other looked out at the world, and what he saw he loved.
For many riches it did hold with splendid mansions there.
Then whisper came from darkness tempting– “This just isn’t fair”.
“Why should you have to wait so long to have all that you please”.
“Right now a mansion you can have just simply follow me”.
And so he built upon this earth what should have been on high,
and all the while, the other man the narrow path did try
to follow, taking close to heart the counsel of the Lord -
selling what he had of worth and sharing with the poor.
And so it went, each man lived on until that fateful day
when both were called back to behold what on their plot did lay.
The man who had forsaken all in gratitude did see,
a mansion built beyond compare his for eternity.
The other man did gaze out in despair at what he found -
for all that lay before him was an empty plot of ground.
Then God spoke out with sorrow to this man as he explained,
“No mansion can I give you else my word would be in vain”
Two sons of God once stood in Heaven, both with equal chance.
Two sons of God each lived a life, and dealt with circumstance.
Two sons of God who now are symbols, held for all to view.
Two sons of God who stand for all... which son of God are you?