Javonte Amon

Ill and weary

You ever been tired and sick?
Sick like when people say “Get over it.”
Tired like the woman that wore her kinky hair and was fired.
Sick like when you see a noose hanging and people say, “it’s just a joke, man, a trick.
Tired like the words of the folks gunned down, after their hands were up; they shouted out, “Ceasefire, please, ceasefire,” and with those words they expired.
Sick like the unrecognizable, flattened body of a black kid for talking “slick.” Haha whistling at a white woman. *chuckles* He was it.
Tired like master after he’s done killing the children he sired. Smiling after throwing the infants on the pyre.
Sick like when misses tells you with a smirk that your husband is her favorite lick, and you know she’ll have him killed if you try to stop it.
Tired like hearing mob as they scream HIGHER! They raised your brother’s lifeless black body and set it afire.
I ask again. . .
Have you ever been sick and tired?
Autres oeuvres par Javonte Amon...
