Jasmine Mackus

Jasmine Mackus

Suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and severe depression, writing has always been an escape outlet for me. I have always loved to write and many tell me I'm a talented writer. Only in the past 2 years or so have I recently fallen in love with creating poetry but I am so glad I did. It is a great outlet for me and without it I would be lost. Leave some feedback if you would like, but please only positive or constructive feedback. Thank you.

Suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and severe depression, writing has always been an escape outlet for me. I have always loved to write and many tell me I'm a talented writer. Only in the past 2 years or so have I recently fallen in love with creating poetry but I am so glad I did. It is a great outlet for me and without it I would be lost. Leave some feedback if you would like, but please only positive or constructive feedback. Thank you.
