To: Everything!!! Namaste
Relationships are hard earned and… Rejection hurts but it works to st… Face it life may not ever be anyth… So this long walk is all mine and… Plenty of time, let it rewind, cha…
I am a lion. I am a Hawk. I am the grass in a deer’s belly. I am the water surrounding the trout. I am the light filling the darkness. I am honored and grateful. I am aware. I am here. ...
A story can be told of almost any experience. A tale of star crossed lovers or a tale of a damsel and prince. An outcast or thief that falls in love and decides to change his ways. A st...
It pains me to pain you. Disregard your feelings is to disregard mine too. Breath shared through autumn air with a whisper you are here. Space held while arms dangle. Connection lost wi...
A weight lifted from me, a message from the wind carried th… cascading its golden light upon my… love the lessons from the breeze, no fight or flight,
One foot planted in the soul and the other attached to the body. Both equal halves of a whole and yet so independent that they often move without ever knowing of the others existence. T...
Sometimes my biggest fear is being left out of something amazing or being without something. Its this deep yearning for activity and experience that is like a hunger. I pay it tributes ...
Fuck your preconceived notion of happiness and contentment. Fuck your false reality and what you think is individuality. You speak of practice and patience and yet stand by and twitch n...
Astride the tall grass I am as tall as a mountain. Quick with passion and humble with knowledge, forever tangible and young at heart I have become. These short bursts of emotion are rai...
Waves of my past crash against me… Those days of extreme joy and love… spinning and mixing together with… The struggle for the here and now… Never ending and more often than n…
At the top of my lungs I scream FREEDOM!!! A mash between sweat and power I find my soul moshing about. It takes deep breaths and constant attention to not fall victim. I find myself al...
Inadequacy is inadequate for my new paradigm. I yearn to explore my inner mind and space so that I can rid myself of attachments and suffering. In my quest I have become distracted and ...
Sometimes it’s easy to get discouraged and derailed from reaching that fairy tale, it’s a long walk and I’m beginning to fell like I never ever knew anything real. One look back and I’m...
It’s a stand still and a hard plac… to be sitting with your worst mist… pulling and tearing making their way for fear attaching to all the hopeful
I shall pretend to be a friend listen and care, so much so that I would defend every freckle and every hair, I will play this game