Mister Pasticka


One foot planted in the soul and the other attached to the body. Both equal halves of a whole and yet so independent that they often move without ever knowing of the others existence. They feel the push and pull of life and yet ignore the concept or challenge the motions. Finding their footing one step at a time. Deep breath Deep Breath Deep Breath. Flash of light brings in the catalyst of existence. That spark of choice and creativity and love. With this spark comes awareness and control for ones self. The emotions of life begin to seem like the muscles of the body working together pushing, pulling, moving one foot at a time. Never challenging only accepting their roll and playing it out in a symphony of wonder and passion. Painting our existence in shades of sorrow, greed, rage, ignorance but also balancing them with the beauty of love, truth, compassion, nurturing the seed of life and love in the fertile lands of our soul. Feel the tree of awareness growing inside of yourself. Feel the light and warmth of selflove and self beauty for we are made of those colorful emotions. Balance them and harness them to build the Concert called LIFE. NAMASTE

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