
Look For the Good

I’ve heard of your terror
I’ve seen your terrorized
Your cries do not go unheard
Instead they haunt me
My conscience and my dreams
We march
To change our border laws
We march
Because we hope
Good remains
Despite the evil you endure
Hold on to each other
Some might call it being a brother
Fill your well with love,
For your family and for others
Let your cup overflow
To your sisters and your brothers
No matter what you do
No matter who you are
Maybe you’ve been seeing death
Or all the pretty stars
You are worth our fight
That path you’re on may seem dark
But after a stormy while, always comes the light
The more you’re searching for
Is always hidden, like diamonds in the rough
¡Sí se puede!
I tell you
¡Sí se puede!
I repeat
We will not give up
Life is an endurance race
Run like the Rarámuri
Even when there’s pain
We’ll be here to see you’ve won
At the end of this long, dark day

Altre opere di Itisinmyblood...
