
Rock of Ages

God has worked wonders
And all I want is show it to you without all the blunders
In poetry blunders are beautiful
And that’s how God sees me and you
See a month ago I got to spend my days
With people like me
The ones with bumps and bruises
The real ones, that know that life isn’t easy
The ones that have been knocked down once or twice
But they also get back up just to fall on their knees
And proclaim Christ
To the ones they are next to
These people that I lived with changed my life
They reminded me that what I do isn’t for me
They loved me in spite of me
Like Jesus loves regardless of decrees
Social Class
The hard work that we did
Wasn’t for us
It wasn’t even for them,
The ones that ran in
Because if it was
I’m pretty sure we all would’ve caved
Slacked off at our positions
And then the ship would have swayed
I know it must have been painful
There might have even been days when you thought
The storm was too big
& the winds too strong
Seeing God in the storms isn’t easy to do
I’ll be the first to tell you
But cling to the ol’rugged cross when the waves are howling’
And call out to the Rock of Ages

Shout out to my 2016 Summer Staff 1st Sesh at WAFARA fam. We lived. We loved. We laughed. We cried, and we served beautifully because Christ came to serve. So us doing our best to be Christ-like served as well. "For even the son of man didn't come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."Mark 10:45.

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