Shedding my skin. Doing everything I can to change… Can’t shake this feeling I’ll be going under soon. While parts of me slowly learn to…
Take away this static. Wash away these bite size hangnail… Scratch and plead but this pull co… Tense, locked, sensations sending… Up and down my spine. Bolts of el…
When I tap in My body feels fear. Sensations like these Must be some sort of sin and I can’t hide my grin.
**** +-+ **** Why is the topic of ets so hush hu… Maybe because once we
The nerves start to twitch and I’… All in the guise of sense making. The levels of will this is taking. As the barriers prepare for their… Dancing in the waves of the mind.
Have you ever thought you knew som… that you can remember? How do I even begin.. It seems like the craziest thing t… Without sounding like a creep..
Wrong is wrong is wrong is wrong. Lack of that reality Does not make you strong. In fact it says weak. An existance that’s bleak.
Once burned, the old adage cuts li… Relates to me dearly, a friend to… Love lost I guess I take the blame. Cared less for her needs, realizin…
No doubt in the Divine. The rhymes aren’t just mine. Life choices. Right places. Right times.
Can we start a revolution Can we do this thing just right Do we have enough hearts Willing to stand up and show their… This is a call to the many
So easy to believe in another. Difficult when it comes to me. Foresighted gift of the Mother. A treasure entrusted to see. Past times tell us how we were.
Been through the darkness - and was not dismayed. Ocean floor My head has laid. Grasping for their power plays
I live my life out for you. My existence– all of my actions ar… Can’t you see it? Clearly. I used to see you clearl… You have let the malestrom over ta…
Getting comfortable in My Own Sk… Doesn’t mean I have to share it w… No. Getting comfortable in My Skin me… fix his mouth– to tell Me.
I feel it. Changes at the epigenetic level. It’s like– an internal machine wit… that move in and out of place. Shift, rotate, drop, some spin out…