Spirit writing Spirit lighting Spirit saying Spirit playing Spirit walk
I believe in cool breezes in the m… Gently waking us with the fragrance of the garden s… The birds singing in play. Enjoying the fresh food and bird b…
Some deep itches just can’t be scr… Buried so deep– refusing the patch… House of cards is poorly stacked. Heels dug in– refusing to react. Taking me places where I belong.
Am I a chameleon or can I be me? Must I turn into you to sit in your tree? Weren’t we born here to be free?
Curious how the sound of you Pulls strings of my Soul I had no idea were there. Heart strings or chords What’s more is more
Learning the River. The keeper of time. Freeing to flow Waves in the mind. Steps so dainty
In need of resuscitation– I can n… It’s hard to see the forest when y… Circumstances beyond my control ha… How many more cuts– before I no l… Confusion sets in– is this another…
How could I even begin to repay When all that I have is the words… You’ve made up my year, my month,… My inner child now wanting to come… Connect with the Ones
Sex sells! Is what’s repetitiously yelled. Advertised by the empty souls. Total control their only goal. Truth be told
When you think that you know that… you definitely do not tell anyone… you only know what you know you don’t know what they know just like they don’t know what you…
Do you feel power holding the matc… Burn it all down watch the world r… Thinking you’ll get by without a s… Might be a bit of clarity you lack… Darkness always breeds destruction…
If you’ve come to take me Please go right ahead. My mind is playing tricks on me Feeling lost inside my head. I don’t know where I’m going
Spirit window - a window to the worlds. Similar to Santa’s looking glass, to check on boys and girls. Some of us can perceive.
do i want to be a child so light and so carefree when the eyes of the world weren’t boring into me a child who hears their thoughts a…
I see them in the shadows day after day. Waiting for me to close my eyes so they can take me away. They keep me safe through the nigh…