Waiting for the other shoe to drop… On edge, tiptoe in the cornfield. Rip off the bandaid won’t you? It’s all become too much. Tight rope walking, one wrong move
Maybe I’ll actually feel somethin… Besides my own misery. Care what others think or let my h… Of letting another in. Calling them all in– realizing the…
Egg shells, on edge, on the ledge So many trains barreling through m… As the clock ticks on Mine, is out of time. Remedies flood my brain
Seeing their pain The story’s the same I hurt you. You hurt me. What is to gain Besides closer to insane
They can have my darkness if they… If that’s what they need. It can be theirs. What they think is I am holding her hand
How could I even begin to repay When all that I have is the words… You’ve made up my year, my month,… My inner child now wanting to come… Connect with the Ones
Conformation. Not for Me. Spirit told Me. We were meant to be free. Bird like and of fish in the sea.
If you’ve come to take me Please go right ahead. My mind is playing tricks on me Feeling lost inside my head. I don’t know where I’m going
Saving our Souls Shouldn’t that be the goal? yet we’re marching little soldiers doing what we’re told. Meant to be free.
Back in the day we’d have our little cults. Fascist movements feeding to our faults. Now what if we turn
Can I just lie in your lap for a… For my heart will not let me get u… Millions of lifetimes remembered. Some paths that seem to get stuck. I don’t know if time is my friend…
Create the World Whispers the Girl Lodged in the Rock before Time. Go back to the Curl The Beginner of Worlds
I have within me a deep feeling of a pre-trained mi… To which the ravenous drive to see it through is unmeasurable. The fire within has a flame
Under the rubble deep beneath the great abyss lies a secret winding labyrinth. Caves, tunnels, valleys, mountains… seas and streams.
It’s almost a bit poetic. Or I guess you could say copaceti… Remember, poison will kill if you… Just the same as becoming big head… Your power was all just a ploy.