why is nothing i can do now. where it went. what that echo means, if anything
yes, there is a gap between us always has been now it is
yes, darling you should come & take care of me, someone has to, & you
here’s a story. it may even be true. where i come from nothing ever sucks, so i
we were all talking, things taking shape as they do, when someone said, be desireless, like that is at all a thing people
bring me things to break myself upon till
first fruits hardly a handful, the garden
root it out the tiny bit left that says someone’s in charge not you. don’t let it live
cool this angst some with beer, amazing how it works, three in and suddenly ashamed that i could hate
excuse me, i thought you were also the center of a fractal
finally, without knowing it was coming, he got to die. it was great. like a birthday party clown, he was equally the center
just remember we are so much more than words. shadows are beautiful too but let’s not
was all stupid. you weren’t that entertaining. i find it all only sad now, that
my spirit sings to you, clears and quickens. losing you is impossible
you’ve been invited, stupid asshol… to remember things differently, wh… it means to be human, even. dumb shit, you’ll always let someone el… handle it, whatever always happens