I understand the tattoo now “VERITAS” on your wrist, only there because it is entirely absent everywhere else.
if i stub my fucking toe it’s their fault so say i, and who could argue? you almost
no means no. no response means no. (everyone knows maybe means nothing
man, it’s hard to come down from impossible hopes seemingly
now, I’m no Bukowski but my friends who don’t like poet… except his stuff, tell me they like mine, and I can drink like a drinking machine
the very idea that i could be
I will meet you in the open air, & pet your pony’s nose. You will be
let’s put all the stupid things in a pile and call them “love” or “worry” or
leaning into, not against it. no, decidedly for, yes, always that, no matter
was all stupid. you weren’t that entertaining. i find it all only sad now, that
i love you for the doubt you show me still possible in this body where you show me
yes, i’m saying sunshine & rainbows will flow from your heart & other lovely places like living liquid
lie still. be quiet. please understand what happens so, next time
i keep smiling forgetting to remember to stop myself.
yeah, the contract the social one, so long ago supposedly agreed to, we were born instead into. what