just start over not so much like anything was particularly
reflecting on the moment before, would be useful only were it not already perfect.
if i stub my fucking toe it’s their fault so say i, and who could argue? you almost
yes, i’m saying sunshine & rainbows will flow from your heart & other lovely places like living liquid
leaning into, not against it. no, decidedly for, yes, always that, no matter
I understand the tattoo now “VERITAS” on your wrist, only there because it is entirely absent everywhere else.
just remember we are so much more than words. shadows are beautiful too but let’s not
the center holds itself still that rockets believably may be seen exploding in all directions from somewhere vaguely
no means no. no response means no. (everyone knows maybe means nothing
yes, darling you should come & take care of me, someone has to, & you
excuse me, i thought you were also the center of a fractal
of course it is not about you. you have to know this, like baby birds know worms come with mother’s return,
first fruits hardly a handful, the garden
a breeze. already know what’s what. shut up. kiss her. shut up...
stupid met crazy decided to have a baby or two... what else you gonna do?