Lover of beauty, walking on the he… Of pure philosophy and tranquil so… Born to behold the visions that be… To those who dwell in melody and l… Milton, thou spirit delicate and b…
Jesus, Thou divine Companion, By Thy lowly human birth Thou hast come to join the workers… Burden bearers of the earth. Thou, the Carpenter of Nazareth,
PRELUDE Daughter of Psyche, pledge of tha… When, pierced with pain and bitter… She knew her Love and saw her Lor… Then breathed her wonder and her w…
“Two things,” the wise man said, “… The starry heavens and the moral l… Nay, add another wonder to thy rol… The living marvel of the human sou… Born in the dust and cradled in th…
Break off! Dance no more! Danger is at the door. Music is in arms. To signal war’s alarms. Hark, a sudden trumpet calling
Now in the oak the sap of life is… Tho’ to the bough the rusty leafag… Now on the elm the misty buds are… See how the pine—wood grows alive… Blue—jays fluttering, yodeling and…
I love the hour that comes, with d… And dewy feet, along the Alpine d… To lead the cattle forth. A thous… Go chiming after her across the fa… And flowery uplands, while the ros…
O who will walk a mile with me Along life’s merry way? A comrade blithe and full of glee, Who dares to laugh out loud and fr… And let his frolic fancy play,
Four things a man must learn to do If he would make his record true: To think without confusion clearly… To love his fellow man sincerely; To act from honest motives purely;
Count not the cost of honour to th… The tribute that a mighty nation p… To those who loved her well in for… Means more than gratitude for glor… For every noble man that she hath…
Her eyes are like the evening air, Her voice is like a rose, Her lips are like a lovely song, That ripples as it flows, And she herself is sweeter than
Give us a name to fill the mind With the shining thoughts that lea… The glory of learning, the joy of… A name that tells of a splendid pa… In the long, long toil and the str…
Let me but do my work from day to… In field or forest, at the desk or… In roaring market—place or tranqui… Let me but find it in my heart to… When vagrant wishes beckon me astr…
Ah, who will tell me, in these lea… Why the sweet Spring delays, And where she hides, —the dear des… Of every heart that longs For bloom, and fragrance, and the…
Oh, gallantly they fared forth in… America’s crusading host of warrio… They battled for the rights of man… And now they’re coming home to us… Oh, it’s home again, and home agai…