0 who will walk a mile with me Along life’s merry way? A comrade blithe and full of glee, Who dares to laugh out loud and fr… And let his frolic fancy play,
THE MOONBEAMS over Arno’s va… When first I heard the nightingal… So passionate, so full of pain, it… I longed to hear a simpler strain,… The laverock sings a bonny lay abo…
Her eyes are like the evening air, Her voice is like a rose, Her lips are like a lovely song, That ripples as it flows, And she herself is sweeter than
'Tis fine to see the Old World an… Among the famous palaces and citie… To admire the crumblyh castles and… But now I think I’ve had enough o… So it’s home again, and home again…
The gabled roofs of old Malines Are russet red and gray and green, And o’er them in the sunset hour Looms, dark and huge, St. Rombold… High in that rugged nest concealed…
God said, “I am tired of kings,”— But that was a long while ago! And meantime man said, “No,— I like their looks in their robes… So he crowned a few more,
“Do you give thanks for this? —or… No, God be thanked I am not grateful In that cold, calculating way, wit… As one, two, three, and four, —tha…
“The worlds in which we live are t… The world 'I am’ and the world ‘I… The worlds in which we live at hea… The world “I am,” the fruit of “I… And underneath these worlds of flo…
Joyful, joyful we adore Thee, God… Hearts unfold like flowers before… Melt the clouds of sin and sadness… Giver of immortal gladness, fill u… All Thy works with joy surround T…
Give us a name to fill the mind With the shining thoughts that lea… The glory of learning, the joy of… A name that tells of a splendid pa… In the long, long toil and the str…
It pleased the Lord of Angels (pr… To hear, one day, report from thos… With pitying sorrow, or exultant j… To tell of earthly tasks in His e… For some were sorry when they saw…
I read within a poet’s book A word that starred the page: “Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage!” Yes, that is true; and something m…
You dare to say with perjured lips… “We fight to make the ocean free”? You, whose black trail of butchere… Bestrews the bed of every sea Where German submarines have wrou…
If Might made Right, life were a… If Right made Might, this were th… But now, until we win the long cam… Right must gain Might to conquer…
O garden isle, beloved by Sun and… Whose bluest billows kiss thy curv… Whose amorous light enfolds thee i… That fill with fruit each dark—lea… What hidden hatred hath the Earth…