For that thy face is fair I love… Nor yet because the light of thy b… Hath gleams of wonder and of glad… Like woodland streams that cross a… Nor for thy beauty, born without a…
Waking from tender sleep, My neighbour’s little child Put out his baby hand to me, Looked in my face, and smiled. It seemed as if he came
In a great land, a new land, a lan… and riches and confusion, Where there were many running to a… shouting, and striving together, In the midst of the hurry and the…
If all the skies were sunshine, Our faces would be fain To feel once more upon them The cooling splash of rain. If all the world were music,
Knight—errant of the Never—ending… And Minstrel of the Unfulfilled… For ever tuning thy frail earthly… To some unearthly music, and posse… With painful passionate longing to…
Let me but do my work from day to… In field or forest, at the desk or… In roaring market—place or tranqui… Let me but find it in my heart to… When vagrant wishes beckon me astr…
Long, long ago I heard a little s… (Ah, was it long ago, or yesterday… So lowly, slowly wound the tune al… That far into my heart it found th… A melody consoling and endearing;
In mirth he mocks the other birds… Catching the lilt of every easy tu… But when the day departs he sings… His own wild song beneath the list…
I would not even ask my heart to s… If I could love some other land a… As thee, my country, had I felt t… Of Italy at birth, or learned to… The charm of France, or England’s…
How blind the toil that burrows li… In winding graveyard pathways unde… For Browning’s lineage! What if m… Poor footmen or rich merchants on… Of his forbears? Did they beget h…
I envy every flower that blows Along the meadow where she goes, And every bird that sings to her, And every breeze that brings to he… The fragrance of the rose.
'Tis fine to see the Old World, a… Among the famous palaces and citie… To admire the crumbly castles and… But now I think I’ve had enough o… So it’s home again, and home again…
I love thine inland seas, Thy groves of giant trees, Thy rolling plains; Thy rivers’ mighty sweep, Thy mystic canyons deep,
All night long, by a distant bell, The passing hours were notched On the dark, while her breathing r… And the spark of life I watched In her face was glowing or fading,…
Not to the swift, the race: Not to the strong, the fight: Not to the righteous, perfect grac… Not to the wise, the light. But often faltering feet