yin and yang her beauty illuminated her heart filled with pain long dark lashes erect above emerald jewels
he kissed her gently she didn’t believe his sincerity it wasn’t reality it was a fucked up
the rays of moonlight fall from the sky to light the ripples of the tide just passing by the thunderous roars
our paths crossed in a peculiar kind of way random in reason more reason
the moon shines as the sunset fall… into to the night gone is the light that lit the day the air sharp as a kinfe
sexy & weird corkey and queer curly & crazy but ooh baby, she was cool.
Solar Cosmic Star Light Reflection Warm Perception Vitality
a vision a mirage hallucinate meditate gravitate
time time will fly as time goes by people will die babies will cry
confused and used maniupilated and abused
tweet retweet like&share but post your feelings
she didnt know how to take a picture without smiling down inside back behind
sun beams send their messages through the glittering sparkling Ocean
visualize spiritualize energize the energy that flows from plants
magnets magnetize energy energized from within then begins the mental journey