The Game


It’s 3:30 in the morning
and I spent the night dancing.
I was dancing with you
and with her,
and then with them.
Eventually I made it back to you.
Again and again,
until your friend held you back.
You wanted to dance too,
then, what's the problem?
I'm ready to play the game.
The game where
either of us can lose,
both of us can win,
or the last possibility,
which although the sadder
and least wanted outcome,
seems to be the most common one.
That we both loose.
No one tends to win.
Everyone wants something.
Someone rarely gets the thing they’re after.
They might get something,
or someone along the way,
but almost never what they originally wanted.
It is mostly because one
does not usually know for sure
what they are looking for,
but they know where to start.
I only wanted to dance.

Other works by GOZA...
