An Artist’s Dream


A room,  a bed and a table
just big enough to fit
a bunch of loose papers and a laptop
A window
through which he can see the happenings outside.
A couple of plants to line the window sill
and just enough light to let him know when it’s noon.
He may not need a car or even a bike,
but the ability to stroll around freely
and explore everything about him.
Just enough money in the bank
to pay for the room,
food for the month
and party every now and again.
Stillness and chaos,
both taking turns,
to temporarily hold him hostage.
Time, and then some more time.
As these things will never come about,
an artist must be diligent,
to, when he’s got time, write.
When he is held hostage by silence, sing,
and though maybe not able to do it for himself,
to nurture all of those he can around him.

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