Act I


Do I sleep and oversleep
because it provides an escape
from the pains of ordinary life,
or rather because it allows me
to wander off into my dreams,
and so live a thousand different lives
and have in such,
many more experiences
than I do in ordinary life.
I think it is the second,
so now I just need to figure out
how I can experience more awake.
Do I need to live crazy, say yes to anything,
and leave no door unopened, or rather,
as Camus put it,
live other lives through acting them out,
or as I already do,
consuming them.
I am, however, tired of consumption.
It does not fulfill me as such.
I shall act from now on.
Become a character, or rather, many different ones
that will live many different lives,
on different sides
of danger and safety,
and variety and monotony.

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