Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so br… The bridal of the earth and sky: The dew shall weep thy fall tonigh… For thou must die. Sweet rose, whose hue, angry and b…
I cannot ope mine eyes, But thou art ready there to catch My morning-soul and sacrifice: Then we must needs for that day ma… My God, what is a heart?
Who says that fictions only and fa… Become a verse? Is there in truth… Is all good structure in a winding… May no lines pass, except they do… Not to a true, but painted chair?
A broken ALTAR, Lord, thy serva… Made of a heart and cemented with… Whose parts are as thy hand did fr… No workman’s tool hath touch’d the… A HEART alone
Hark, how the birds do sing, and woods do ring. All creatures have their joy: and… Yet if we rightly measure, Man’s joy and pleasure
Oh who will show me those delights… Echo I Thou Echo, thou art mortal, all m… Echo No Wert thou not born among the trees…
Awake, sad heart, whom sorrow ever… Take up thine eyes, which feed on… Unfold thy forehead, gathered into… Thy Saviour comes, and with Him m… Awake, awake,
Almightie Judge, how shall poore… Thy dreadfull look, Able a heart of iron to appall, When thou shalt call For ev’ry man’s peculiar book?
When thou didst entice to thee my… I thought the service brave: So many joys I writ down for my p… Besides what I might have Out of my stock of natural delight…
LORD, Thou art mine, and I am T… If mine I am; and Thine much more Then I or ought or can be mine. Yet to be Thine doth me restore, So that again I now am mine,
O blessed body! Whither are thou… No lodging for thee, but a cold ha… So many hearts on earth, and yet n… Receive thee? Sure there is room within our hear…
My stock lies dead and no increase Doth my dull husbandry improve: O let thy graces without cease Drop from above! If still the sun should hide his f…
As he that sees a dark and shady g… Stays not, but looks beyond it on… So when I view my sins, mine eyes… More backward still, and to that w… Which is above the heav’ns, whose…
Lord, Who createdst man in wealth… Though foolishly he lost the same, Decaying more and more, Till he became Most poore:
Having been tenant long to a rich… Not thriving, I resolved to be bo… And make a suit unto him, to affor… A new small-rented lease, and canc… In heaven at his manor I him soug…