LOVE bade me welcome; yet my sou… Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-eyed Love, observing me… From my first entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly questio…
Welcome dear feast of Lent: who… He loves not Temperance, or Autho… But is compos’d of passion. The Scriptures bid us fast; the C… Give to thy Mother, what thou wou…
When God at first made man, Having a glass of blesings standin… Let us (said he) pour on him all w… Let the world’s riches, which disp… Contract into a span.
Prayer the Church’s banquet, ange… God’s breath in man returning to h… The soul in paraphrase, heart in p… The Christian plummet sounding he… Engine against th’Almighty, sinne…
To write a verse or two is all the… That I can raise: Mend my estate in any ways, Thou shalt have more. I go to Church; help me to wings,…
O my chief good, How shall I measure out thy blood… How shall I count what thee befel… And each grief tell? Shall I thy woes
As he that sees a dark and shady g… Stays not, but looks beyond it on… So when I view my sins, mine eyes… More backward still, and to that w… Which is above the heav’ns, whose…
Blest be the God of love, Who gave me eyes, and light, and p… Both to be busy, and to play. But much more blest be God above, Who gave me sight alone,
Full of rebellion, I would die, Or fight, or travel, or deny That thou has aught to do with me. O tame my heart; It is thy highest art
Whither, O, whither art thou fled… My Lord, my Love? My searches are my daily bread; Yet never prove. My knees pierce th’earth, mine eie…
When first thou didst entice to th… I thought the service brave; So many joys I writ down for my p… Besides what I might have Out of my stock of natural delight…
O blessed body! Whither are thou… No lodging for thee, but a cold ha… So many hearts on earth, and yet n… Receive thee? Sure there is room within our hear…
As I one ev’ning sat before my ce… Me thoughts a star did shoot into… I rose, and shook my clothes, as k… That from small fires comes oft no… When suddenly I heard one say,
O Sacred Providence, who from end… Strongly and sweetly movest! shall… And not of thee, through whom my f… To hold my quill? shall they not d… Of all the creatures both in sea a…
O day most calm, most bright The fruit of this, the next world’… Th’endorsement of supreme delight, Writ by a friend, and with his blo… The couch of time; care’s balm and…