George Henry Boker

Sonnet CCLXIV:

Once as I slumbered, with my heart awake—
Love’s lonely sentinel—my lady stood,
Fair in the glory of her womanhood,
Beside the bed made restless for her sake.
Awhile she paused in pity, as to slake
The burning eyes I plunged beneath her flood
Of gold-brown hair, sole veil to flesh and blood
That shone, like morn, through every rift and break.
Slowly I traveled with my longing glance
From budded bosom down to supple feet—
Delicious voyage, that lagged at each advance!
What more delight might then have been my chance,
Had not my heart a wild alarum beat—
Too faithful watcher, thus to end my trance!
Autres oeuvres par George Henry Boker...
