#Americans #Women
Put her away some place between tw… Away from the sea and the sun. She has so much to think of–must s… On your bright bosom always, Moth… Put her away, and let some other b…
Boys and girls, come out to play: The sun is up, the wind’s astray, Early morning’s gold is gone– (They slumber on, they slumber on.… I have never done with you
Fearful of beauty, I always went Timidly indifferent: Dainty, hesitant, taking in Just what was tiniest and thin; Careful not to care
Leave me alone a little! Must I be yours, When all my heart is pouring with… Out to the moon’s impersonal majes… Leave me alone! My little vow end…
Forever lost–like birds forever fl… Searching bleak space, Circling, and with the south wind… Across earth’s face: Arrowed I fly, and like them lost…
Your face from my face slips, Lover of my lips. Holder of my heart, For all our close companionships, We are apart.
Swing, swing, and swoon, Morning, evening, noon, And with night, sleep. If you must, weep– But here, here with me.
Gnats and an ant have gnawed your… You who could spring and sprawl on… Down half the meadow. Under tiny… The ant has stored your essence.… You stitched the air with level da…
Out of the forest, panther, come, Silken, supple, silent, lone– Out of the forest, drooped with ni… To your delight. Under bloom and over stone,
Never heard happier laughter. Where did you hear it? Somwhere in the future. Very far in the future? No, not far, but near. American
There was a time when Mother Natu… My soul’s sun, and my soul’s shade… A cloud in the sky could take away The song in my heart for all day, And a little lark in a willow-tree
All essences of sweetness from the… Warm day go up in vapor, when the… Comes down. Ascends the tune of m… Ascends the noon-time smell of gra… Takes sunlight from the world, and…
If you will poise your forefoot in… I will not loose a ripple, Beauti… Crackle the fern-stems, arch aloft… See! there’s no fright for you, an… A leaf shall not lift, nor a shade…
What husks of last year’s winter c… To-morrow’s world–what dead, what… Of ancient parchments, laws, belie… Worn, tattered layers keep the lif… Where slender as a sword, and tend…
Wishes are birds. You have been c… With them, invisible, I sent you… Flown from my heart that long had… Surpassing winds in their sharp ea… You have not seen their dim shades…