#Americans #Women
There is a bird that hangs head-do… Between the mango leaves and passi… Below, a spotted serpent twines And blunts its head against the ye… Along the warping ground a turtle…
Now in the fright of change when b… In fountains of debris We say to the stranger coming acro… Not here, not here, go elsewhere! Here we keep
Harsh, unuttered thunder Stood like a stone wall Above the marsh’s silver line. Crooked cranes, white as lightning… Flattened for an instant, flashing…
Your face from my face slips, Lover of my lips. Holder of my heart, For all our close companionships, We are apart.
Men go to women mutely for their p… And they, who lack it most, create… They make–because they must, lovin… A solace for sad bosom-bended head… Is all the meager peace men get–no…
The tree we lay under The thunder, the thunder Of my heart, and your wonder… And our weeping... Now we are old, we are worn, we ar…
Gnats and an ant have gnawed your… You who could spring and sprawl on… Down half the meadow. Under tiny… The ant has stored your essence.… You stitched the air with level da…
How tender-mad the little meadows… The wobbling lambs are tasting mil… The tipsy trees Are leaned like foam on green, win… The pale moth flutters where the p…
What husks of last year’s winter c… To-morrow’s world–what dead, what… Of ancient parchments, laws, belie… Worn, tattered layers keep the lif… Where slender as a sword, and tend…
We who have seen the city’s sentin… Some iron-colored tower, monument To slow encroaching force–our thew… Against her girders! With her noi… From this our iron tongue we toll,…
Wishes are birds. You have been c… With them, invisible, I sent you… Flown from my heart that long had… Surpassing winds in their sharp ea… You have not seen their dim shades…
These were his songs. Now he has… All he has made, that has he also… Seeing my beauty budding, broke th… Finding his likeness here, where h… Finding the flame of his hurt spir…
I understand what you were running… Slim naked boy, and why from far i… You came between dark hills. I kn… The sea makes in some ears. I und… I understand why you were running…
Only to tell your loveliness–this… Only to tell Pain’s odor, beauty-burning miracl… Of my surrender! Late I flew...
Now I am slow and placid, fond of… Like a sleek beast, or a worn one, No slim and languid girl – not gla… With the windy trip I once had, But velvet-footed, musing of my ow…