Republished with permission of Midwest Poetry Review, 1997
Anthropomorphism Two pigs copulate above The legend “Makin’ Bacon”; A lobster sports a chef’s cap, beckons with big red claw;
The Lawyer to Mrs. Brown: “Did you have intimate relation wi… Mrs. Brown‘s reply: “Oh, yes, I must admit it’s true; He helped me frost my hair one tim…
High Mindedness Our hunters, armed with guns and b… Go forth to thin the numerous deer… So none will starve, we’re to supp… Though that lie causes me to sneer…
Times there are in dreams and days when you behold a busy horde hastening away,
“St. Chris’s statue on my dash Will surely keep me safe,” he said… But then one day he struck a pole And hit the dashboard with his hea… Oh, woe! Six-inch St. Christophe…
The Jacaranda in Spring (Near Rhyme) What discount art inspired this ta… Eleven months a year you’re quite… Too dark and gaunt, we thought, to…
The Bumblebee A tubby, grumbling matron, Concerned alone with duty, Fusses among the roses, Oblivious to beauty.
The Minister Speaks: “Our chastened knees and pressed p… Father and Son, you said, were co… the water to wine, the stinking co… mere legerdemain, you claimed,
Ask Not Whom the Toll Bails A Grecian corpse’s mouth containe… Placed there by kin who thought he… To pay the toll required to cross… (A job that Charon got through po…
A Wake In Florida’s woods there stands a… Still silo-girthed but leaning now… The trunk bone-white, stripped of… The spectral limbs shattered, gone…
A scarlet glint across a forest fl… Though distant, lured me from a la… To find what seemed a solitary fl… But proved instead a garish cola c… The brazen glare against the sprin…
Give Me More Light Give me more light I’m getting desperate here, you kn… show me what you’ve got is Ann Landers still around?
He could not paint a world that g… For his shimmered softly. His cliffs, cathedrals, seas appe… congenial things of liquid light; and even locomotives seem
Concealed, disguised, deceptively… These mists are slowly cleared by… Across a playground, thrilling tru… Or theorized through older sibling… Of differences beneath the corduro…
Gimme That Ole-Time Religion Needy ancients were aggrieved If prayers’s goals were not achiev… And beat the god in stone or tree For what they thought its treacher…