WHERE’ER I go in this dense Ea… In sunshine or shade, I retch at the villainous feast That England has made, And my shame cannot understand,
All the heat and the glow and the… of the summer afternoon; the scent of the sweet-briar bush over bowing grass-blades and br… the birds that flit and pass;
IN the chill grey summer dawn-lig… We pass through the empty streets; The rattling wheels are all silent… No friend his fellow greets. Here and there, at the corners,
PURE blue Flag of heaven With your silver stars, Not beside those Crosses’ Blood-stained torture-bars: Not beside the token
GRAVE this deep in your hearts, Forget not the tale of the past! Never, never believe That any will help you, or can, Saving only Yourselves!
BEYOND the Night, down o’er the… I see light’s harbinger of day rel… Upon the false gleam of the ante-d… Lo, the fair heaven of sun-pursuin… Beyond the lampless sleep and peri…
‘Susannah and Mary-Jane’ TWO little Darlings alone, Clinging hand in hand; Two little Girls come out To see the wonderful land!
O WORDS as clear as are the daw… Between the still cloud-layers, an… As violets are, looking through cr… And with such melody as birds may… That sing the morning notes where…
GIRLS, we love you, and love Asks you to give again That which draws it above, Beautiful, without stain. Give us weariless faith
. . . I went the other day To see the birds and beasts they k… In the London Zoo. One of the fi… One of the first I noticed, was a… Ragged, befouled, within his iron…
‘THE foxes have holes, And the birds of the air have nest… But where shall the heads of the s… Be laid, be laid?’ ‘Where the cold corpse rests,
To a Workman, a would-be Suicide MAN of despair and death, Bought and slaved in the gangs, Starved and stripped and left To the pitiful, pitiless night,
He asked me of my friend– “a cleve… Such various talent, business, jou… A pen that might some day have sen… From our greatest newspapers.”– “… All this,” I said.– “And yet he w…
AT anchor in that harbour of the… The Chinese Gate, We lay where, terraced under green… The Sea-town sate. Ships, steamers, sailers, many a f…
(Melbourne) HERE to the parks they come, The scourings of the town, Like weary wounded animals Seeking where to lie them down.