CRUEL City, London, London, Where, duped slaves of devils’ cre… Men and women desperate, undone, Dream such dreams, and do such dee… London, London, cruel city,
WHEN day’s hard task’s done, Eve’s scant meal partaken, Out we steal each one, Weariless, unshaken. In small reeking squares,
(Brisbane) ‘A little Soldier of the Army of… BURY him without a word! No appeal to death; Only the call of the bird
Who is it speaks of defeat?— I tell you a Cause like ours Is greater than defeat can know; It is the power of powers! As surely as the earth rolls round…
Was it for nothing in the years go… O my love, O my friend, You thrilled me with your noble wo… Hope beyond life, and love, love b… Yet now I shudder, and yet you di…
(The friend my verse won for me) With a Copy of My 'Poetical Work… ‘TAKE with all my heart, friend,… The labour of my past, Though the heart here hidden is
Yes, you do well to mock us, you Who knew our bitter woe - To jeer the false, deny the true In us blind struggling low, While, on your pleasant place alof…
(Melbourne) HERE to the parks they come, The scourings of the town, Like weary wounded animals Seeking where to lie them down.
(For the Australian Labour Feder… FLING out the Flag! Let her fla… With the ring of the wild swan’s w… her reedy lair. Fling out the Flag! And let frien…
O India, India, O my lovely land… At whose sweet throat the greedy… With fangs and lips that suck and… Clings, while around thee, band by… The loathsome shape twists, chaini…
One thing we praise you for that i… The dauntless eyes that faced the… The hand that never wearied in the… Till, through the dark’s despair,… It rose, that vision of forgotten…
In a Sampan (Min River, Fo Kien) Up in the misty morning, Up past the gardened hills, With the rhythmic stroke of the ro…
SWEETEST, in desperate hours Of clouds and lightning and rain, You came like a vision of flowers And summer and song once again: You came, and I could not receive…
THRO’ the mists of years, Thro’ the lies of men, Your bloody sweat and tears, Your desperate hopes and fears Reach us once again,
NOT for the thought that burns on… Heat that the heat has turned from… The passion of the lone rememberin… One with the patience day must see… Not for the shafts the lying foeme…