As a youth, I felt like superman An immortal, an ultimate warrior But life tempered my outlook Sadly, now I have become a worrie… © F Aparici
walls divide they separate people and foster the idea we’re not all equal stone walls stand tall,
Yes, we can’t take it with us Cash or treasures of any kind; Hearse without a trailer, thus How we leave the world behind! And it’s a truth we oft discuss
Our passionate wish to be somewher… For over here; days are shorter, n… With AC off electricity much lowe… But gas consumption has gone astro… Sun we haven’t seen, wondering whe…
Dark nimbus clouds are threatening But no! It won’t ruin my morning For with Nature I’m communing And to the Almighty I’m praying! The wind is strong, trees are sway…
An old photograph Once colorful But not anymore It’s all I have To remind me
center Once, a child I was A long, long time ago But mem’ries fading fast As grey cells slowly go
Every breath I take, I whisper yo… Every waking moment, lights up a f… Deep inside my heart Even when we’re apart An emotion; a raging fire I canno…
Forget yesterday and let today be Fret not about the past, live the… Yes, yesterday is just a memory And today, let’s live moment to mo… Focus not on tomorrow, but today
How dare you doubt my existence When here I am, in your presence. If I don’t exist in your view, Most assuredly, neither do you! You say I’m just a fleeting thoug…
Someday... someone… Will wander into your life She’ll rock your world; turn it up… She’ll put an end… To all of your emotional strife
center Awake this morning But you, I didn’t see My eyes, I closed again And counted to three
The soothing warmth of sunrise Hazy glare from the window When sleepy eyes we open Primed ready for today’s show Cornucopia of blessings
For many days, it’s been raining The floor’s wet the roof’s been le… Basins buckets quickly filling Bad weather still continuing But then the ground started shakin…
Scent of cinnamon in the air Pumpkin spice and vanilla too Sensory proof that autumn’s here..… Out the window what lovely view Freshly cut hay in amber field