In the late 1980s we lived in the Dallas area. One winter we had an icestorm (which started as a harmless snowfall) followed by a hard freeze with temps dropping to -1 deg F. We were housebound for days
Three o’clock in the morning He woke up, quickly out of bed He’s ready, though still yawning To go to mass, with eyes so red For it’s nine days till Christmas
Ceramic birdbath in the yard There, two robins splashing at pla… Reveling in mid-day sunshine But big redbird shooed them away The cardinal claims the whole bath
As usual, a case of he said, she s… Another argument halfway to nowher… Been that way since the day they w… It seems they’re amidst a nightmar… But they seek their bearings inste…
Tonight was simply amazing And my heart’s still beating fast At long last she and I met A friendship I hope forever last I’ve adored her from a distance
Black birds all in flight Acrobatic explosion Darkening the sky Bad weather coming As the starlings warn the world
Twas love at first sight Or Cupid’s dart gone astray Tis not a cliché Yes, they fell head over heels Shared attraction unreal
He paused a moment, and stood stil… As verses flew by, the birth of a… A smile curled his lips, a silent… Filled his heart; and he must hurr… For pen and paper await his though…
There once was a chappie named Mi… Who thought women should serve him… Till he met feminist Karen A fierce and righteous vixen And now he’s her enthusiastic femi…
It’s time for resolutions Change our lives for the better Give up our nasty habits And slow down the wear and tear Alcohol and cigarettes
There was once a man whose malady’… His doctor prescribed a suspicious… He complied religiously Every day consistently But then after several days, he be…
John wanted to earn money so he ca… But rather than work for it, he pl… Alas he lost his shirt Got tossed in the dirt Half-naked and scared stiff, he’s…
Life’s at ease with an ocean breez… When you taste the salty air in yo… And you feel the swaying of coconu… As you watch the birds and passing… The morning sun soothes and warms…
Once there was a poet with severe… He tried everything but the words… Desperate, he tried marijuana Sadly, it didn’t bring nirvana Disappointed he concluded weed’s a…
It’s a season of promise that all’… Heaven smiles; yeah! The future’s… All we see, hear, touch! What a d… Nature’s beauty has cast a magical… Sadly, spring will eventually bid…
A frigid morning, in a deserted bu… Shiv’ring, anxiously waiting for a… I’m all bundled up but still ice-c… Bitter cold I could feel my cheek… The bus real late, my poor teeth b…